What Is ADHD?
Does your child have trouble sitting still or paying attention? You may have been told that ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) may be the cause. A child with ADHD might have a hard time staying focused (attention deficit). They may also have trouble controlling impulses (hyperactivity disorder). A child with one or both of these problems struggles daily to perform and behave well. ADHD is one of the most common mental health disorders among children. It is also no one’s fault. But if it goes untreated, it can deprive a child of self-esteem, curb new relationships, and limit success. Effective treatment is available.
Which of the following describe your child?
These are some of the symptoms of ADHD:
Attention deficit
Has trouble controlling impulses (might talk too much, interrupt, or have a hard time taking turns)
Is easy to upset or anger
Is always moving (sometimes without purpose)
Does not learn from mistakes
What happens in the brain?
The brain controls your body, thoughts, and feelings. It does so with the help of neurotransmitters. These chemicals help the brain send and receive messages. With ADHD, the level of these chemicals often varies. This may cause signs of ADHD to come and go.
When messages are not received
With ADHD, chemicals in certain parts of the brain can be in short supply. Because of this, some messages do not travel between nerve cells. Messages that signal a person to control behavior or pay attention aren’t passed along. As a result, traits common to ADHD may occur.
Remember your child’s strengths
Children with ADHD can be challenging to raise. Because of this, it’s easy to overlook their good traits. What’s special about your child? Do your best to value and support your child’s unique talents, strengths, and interests. To nurture and support your child's self-esteem, share your positive thoughts and feelings with your child as often as possible.
To learn more, go to the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder website at www.chadd.org